Vallava developed many type of semi operation file master machine with the experience, now optimally positioned for the high speed and fast production file finishing segment and finally developed with Multi- Max auto file feeder with a dynamic PLC based programmed machine. The specialty of the machine is that the Lever arch File Auto feeding, punching and creasing and spring file auto feeding, Punching, Creasing, folding and hole punching at after half fold, ali can be done at the same time.
All accurate hard material with male/female punching creasing dies comes with a longer shelf life.
The Punching creasing np & down adjustment can be adjusted in a easy method of mechanism
Heavy constructed Motor cum Magnetic clutch brake machine
This is the first machine in the world which can convert all types of Office Paper Files and can be produced in a single machine, by changing holes punching dies, and creasing distance by programming.
Inter Changeable Long Life Dies
Dies for Box File Making
All hole Punching Die for Online Machine (With and without Rado)
Dies for D- Ring & Voucher File Making
All hole punching die for D-Ring file and Voucher file in online machine
Dies for Spring Files And Office file making
All hole punching die for D-Ring file and Voucher file in online machine Dies forSpring Files And Office file making
All hole punching die for online machine
After the half fold, the two different bottom Dies are installed, 1. Two holes punching die for spring file 2. Four holes for Tag file.